
Reliable Engineering Company

Attn: Senly Leung

Quotation Number QUO-20240920-2
Quotation Date September 20, 2024
Valid Until October 19, 2024
Total $2,310.00
Content / Service Qty/man day RateSub Total

1. Monitor Installation and Tidy Up of cabling for OIE12/F (LSC)

- Provide labor for monitor installations to the assembled working desk with a monitor arm, docking, lock, and cable management
- Install monitors to dedicate working desks (Info will be provided by client)
- Monitor arm adjustment
- Install docking to working desks
- Perform cable management for each working desk
- 1 set of HDMI or Dport cables & 1 set of Power Cables for each monitor will be provided
- Monitor and docking will be provided by the client
- A Minimum 3 set(s) of desk will be charged

3 $770.00$2,310.00
Total $2,310.00