
Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Health, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CRMH, HKISI, CAS)

5/F, 15 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Quotation Number QUO-20240705-1
Quotation Date July 5, 2024
Valid Until August 4, 2024
Total $46,800.00
Content / Service Qty/man day RateSub Total

1. Website Migration tools and plugins

- Provide Wordpress compatible migration tool license
- Wordpress image & video gallery plugin
- Wordpress professional backup module
- CDN / Analytic license
- Elementor editor professional license
- Unlimited Multi-Language license
- Commercial theme license

1 $20,800.00$20,800.00

2. Virtual Hosting Services (12 Months)

- Provide Virtual Hosting service (Stationed in Hong Kong)
- Virtual machines spec: 4 vCPU, 8GB ram, 50GB SSD disk
- OS: Ubundu + Litespeed Web server + PHP8
- Fixed IP
- Software Firewall
- Cloudfare CDN Professional Plan
- Provide Hosting & CDN setup and domain setup

1 $26,000.00$26,000.00
Total $46,800.00