
Power Smart Interiors Ltd.

Unit 906-907A, 9/F, One Harbourfront, 18 Tak Fung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HK

Invoice Number INV-20240510-1
Order Number Quo-20240313-1r
Invoice Date May 10, 2024
Due Date June 9, 2024
Total Due $115,140.00

Attn: Eric Ko
Job Title: Installation of monitors, docking / Supply, delivery and installation of monitors cables

Content / Service Qty/man day RateSub Total

1. Installation work (Sets)

- Provide labour for monitor installations to assembled working desk with monitor arm, docking and cable management
- Install monitors to dedicate working desks (Info will be provided by client)
- Install docking to working desks
- Perform cable management for each working desk
- Project Address: 11/F, One Island East, Taikoo Place, 18 Westlands Rd, Quarry Bay
- Labour will be provided on selected days including weekdays and weekends / public holidays

160 $720.00$109,440.00

2. Supply and delivery of Monitor Cables

- D port to VGA cable, 1.5m (200 pcs)
- Hdmi cable, 1.5m (100 pcs)

300 $20.00$5,700.00
Total Due $115,140.00