
New Kwok Wah Meat Company

Unit 1016, 10/F, Tsuen Wan Industrial Centre, Tsuen Wan, NT, HK

Invoice Number INV-20231129-4
Invoice Date November 29, 2023
Total Due $32,000.00

KR Shopping Website (2nd phase)

Content / Service Qty/man day RateSub Total

1. Delivery date module + custom order number

- Set up quota for available delivery dates
- Minimal delivery date could be chosen
- Delivery dates setup
- Delivery dates summary
- Custom order number (Starts with KR)

1 $8,000.00$8,000.00

2. Additional web page setup

- Desktop, pad and mobile version webpages setup for below
- Pages including membership page, order page with coupon code module, checkout page with coupon code module, delivery date and additional payment options, Q&A and privacy page

1 $2,000.00$2,000.00

3. Extra order status & Order quick search

- Provide extra order status which fits NKW's operation, including in progress, completed, and audited (Accounting)
- Ultra-fast order number search

1 $8,000.00$8,000.00

4. Customised Packing list + system invoices

- Customisable Packing list & system invoices
- Korean language included

1 $4,000.00$4,000.00

5. Payment Gateway setup

- One-time setup for a payment gateway integrate with mPay, including PayMe, Visa Master, Tap and Go (Use Visa & Master option) ; FPS
- Fit to Desktop / Pad and mobile

1 $6,000.00$6,000.00

6. Advance Membership Coupon function

- Advanced coupon function including:
- Collect and Save Coupons
- Birthday Coupons
- Referral Coupons
- Apply multiple coupons in a single purchase
- Engagement Coupons (Auto-assign another coupon after a certain purchase)
- Multiple Coupon in a single purchase

1 $4,000.00$4,000.00
Total Due $32,000.00