

Baptist Mid-Missions Butterfly Bay Baptist Church Elderly Centre

G/F., Butterfly Bay Community Centre, Butterfly Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.

Invoice Number INV-20220318-1
Invoice Date March 18, 2022
Total Due $14,000.00
Content / Service Qty/man day RateSub Total

IT Maintenance contract (1 APR 2022 - 31 MAR 2023)

Scope of Maintenance:
-Maintenance of Desktop, Notebook Computers, network equipment (Hardware parts not included) **
-General network setup, infrastructure maintenance & troubleshooting for existing computers and network equipment
-General desktop software support (Software modification not included , Windows 7/8/10)
-Unlimited Remote support within office hours (0900-1800, Mon to Fri & 0900 - 1200 Sat by Email / WhatsApp / TeamViewer support)
-Onsite support (10 hours, 2 hours per site visit, Mon -Fri 10:00-18:00 / SAT 10:00-12:00)
-Technical consultation

** Existing Hardware / Software list:
-20 sets of Desktop Computers including monitors
-10 sets of Notebook Computers
-1 set of Windows Server
-1 Wan connection
-2 SSID Wi-Fi connections
-1 Core Router
-1 Wi-Fi Router
-1 Switch
-1 Network Attached Storage
-1 Card Printer / Software
-Maintenance of Adobe / Zoom products
-Membership card software

1 $14,000.00$14,000.00
Total Due $14,000.00